A Healthy Glow – More than Skin Deep
When we consider the adage “more than skin deep” we think of the truism that beauty is more than what we can see on the outside. As a naturopath, I apply this philosophy to the treatment of skin conditions as naturopaths consider the skin to be a representation of not just the body’s external, but also internal milieu.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body, with a total surface area approximately 2m² and a total weight of 4.5-5kg. The skin isn’t just a simple plastic bag that keeps out insides in and the outsides out – it is a sophisticated, semi-permeable barrier that is involved in many functions critical for good health, such as fluid regulation, detoxification and Vitamin D synthesis.
Dysfunction of the skin can occur in conditions such as acne vulgaris, eczema/dermatitis, psoriasis and acne rosacea.
There are many factors which influence the health of the skin. I am going to discuss two of the most important ones:
Immune health – Allergies, Auto-Immunity and Infections
Eczema/dermatitis is an allergic condition where the body reacts to an allergen (this can be a contact allergen or an internal allergen) and creates an inflammatory response in the skin.
Psoriasis is considered to be an auto-immune conditions, where the body attacks the keratinocytes causing inflammation, as well as an unmediated over proliferation of keratinocytes.
Infections are a common factor in most skin conditions. Eczema is often associated with a Staphylococcus aureas infection, and we know that this bug creates inflammation and immune activation in the skin.
Acne vulgaris is caused when the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes feeds from the excess sebum that is produced, thrives, and then causes inflammation in the pore.
Acne rosacea is associated with an infestation of the mite Demodex folliculorum. This causes inflammation of the follicles when it gets out of check. Although a little disturbing to note, this mite is on everyone. It is when our immune system is low and does not control them that problems arise.
Conditions such as the cold sore virus and fungal infections have a direct connection with our immune system. These conditions are obvious infections, and therefore our immune system needs to be strong and fit to keep these at bay.
Digestive Health – Bowel regularity, Microflora and “Leaky Gut”
- There is a strong connection between digestive conditions and skin conditions. In a 2004 study analysing the correlation between skin and digestive health it was found that 14% of patients with ulcerative colitis, 24% of patients with crohns disease and 25% of patients with coeliac disease had a skin condition.
The balance of bacteria in the digestive system, if disturbed can cause a large array of problems. The good bacteria control our immune system, certain vitamin and enzyme synthesis and are important for regulating inflammation. The gut microflora are disturbed by medications such as the pill, anti-biotics, by poor diet, alcohol or in conditions such as constipation. An imbalance in the microflora can worsen or cause many skin conditions such as eczema and acne rosacea.
Acne rosacea has a strong connection to infections of the small intestine. A common cause of this is an overgrowth of Helicobactor pylori which stimulates inflammation and dilation of the blood vessels in the face. This bug is famous for causing reflux, but it can also cause acne rosacea. A 2002 study showed that eliminating H. pylori infections improved 51 out of 53 patients with rosacea. The good news is that there are fantastic herbs and essential oils that kill this bug.
According the Bernard Jensen, a famous iridologist and nutritionist: “When the bowel is underative, toxic wastes are more likely to be absorbed through the bowel wall and into the blood stream. The blood then circulates these toxins to every part of the body and deposits some of them in tissues, with the greatest amount retained in the constitutionall weakest tissues.” This is known as a condition called “leaky gut” and can be understood to mean that a slow, sluggish bowel can cause issues in other parts of the body because chemicals that were meant to be excreted have been re-assimilated into the body. This phenomenen is also known as auto-intoxication. Leaky gut occurs when the membranes in the bowel become inflammed and porous, usually due to long term constipation, food allergies or microbial imbalances. You can be tested for leaky gut with a urine test, however this can often by picked up with iridology.