Calm Kids – Flower Essence
$15.00This blend has been designed to soothe worries of childhood.
It may be helpful to ease anxiety in children, and it’s calming nature can also help to settle hyperactive tendencies.
Flower essences are energetic remedies and therefore extremely safe, and can be used for the very young to the very old.
This blend has been designed to address many emotions and difficulties that are common to childhood:
- Calms Anxiety and insecurity, helps to build courage and confidence
- Soothes impatience and calms those children who are always ‘on the go’
- Helps to accept change
- Assists in digestion
- Helps to support the mother-child bond, as well as the father-child bond
- Helps to integrate both hemispheres of the brain and therefore may help with learning and communication
Dose – 7 drops under the tongue, morning and night.
Woman 1 – Flower Essence
The teenage years are a time of roaring emotions, hormonal fluctuations, relationship trials, identity struggles and self-esteem challenges. For most teenage girls, there is little that is more difficult than this period of life.
There are many difficult moments that we go through at this stage as we discover our identities, wrestle our new independence, and navigate friendships and relationships. There is also many other mental and physical struggles around this time – teenage acne, period irregularities and pain, mood swings and low self esteem/body dysmorphia. For most teenagers, this is also the time of one of the biggest pressures they have come to face – the High School exams and life decisions of what to do after school.
The essences in this blend are selected to ease the common difficulties during this period, supporting blood sugar levels, hormone health, satisfaction with one’s own body and assisting with concentration and learning.
Woman 2 – Flower Essence
This has been loving created for the mother, whether she is pregnant, a first or second time mother, or a mother of many more.
There are many common stresses and difficult emotions that women may share during this time of their life, such as feelings of inadequacy, fatigue, overwhelm, loneliness and irritability. This formula has been designed to nurture and support mothers of all forms, and soothe many of the difficulties that can occur during this time.
The formula has been blended with the following intentions in mind: reducing irritability and impatience, improving the bond between mother and child, improving self-confidence, reducing worry, reducing over-sensitivity to touch and soothing the sense of loneliness and alienation.
You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.
It is normal for our emotions to fluctuate when pregnant and as a new mother due to the hormonal changes that are occurring, however this is not always convenient or pleasant, and for some can be severe. If you or someone you know is experiencing post natal depression, please seek help from your health care professional.
Woman 3 – Flower Essence
In many cultures, women who have entered menopause are greatly respected and revered. This stage of life, sometimes referred to as the time of the Crone, is a time when women’s wisdom and creativity flourish.
Designed for women who are going through, or have completed their menopausal transition. This time of life is associated with many emotional upheavals, and often many physical changes as well.
This blend contains essences to assist with feelings of change and loss, when many women grieve the transformation of themselves, and may also be faced with loss in other areas of their life (children moving away from home, death of friends/family, change in career etc.). This blend will help you to embrace the new version of you and the joys that this new time of life can bring.
The blend also contains essences which can soothe some of the symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes, dryness and mood swings.
Also added are essences to promote creativity, as with the entrance into menopause often comes a discovery of one’s creative inclinations.