

PMDD: Processing Feelings

PMDD: Processing Feelings

10th May 2020
Many people are aware of some of the symptoms that PMS can cause, but PMDD, a subtype of PMS that can cause symptoms of strong anxiety and depression, is something that is less well known. It can cause symptoms which can have a debilitating effect on your mental health, and this can last for the entire second half of your menstrual cycle. In this article we discuss self-care tips on how to process PMDD feelings.
What is Pyrolle Disorder?

What is Pyrolle Disorder?

5th April 2018
A condition that is growing in awareness is Pyrolle disorder. This condition is associated with many types of problems but in particular mood imbalances, gut symptoms and behavioural issues in…
Clean Up Your Sleep

Clean Up Your Sleep

16th November 2017
In my latest contribution to Western Sydney Mums' Hub, I talk about sleep issues. Covered in the article is the causes of sleep issues in adults and the impact that…
Crazy 2 Calm with Melinda King

Crazy 2 Calm with Melinda King

31st July 2015
[fb_button] In this podcast episode I interview Melinda King about her stress management program Crazy 2 Calm, stress management techniques and nutrition for stress.  We also chat about her recent…
Eat Yourself Happy

Eat Yourself Happy

2nd June 2015
[fb_button] In the Media: Published in Australian Natural Health: Eat Yourself Happy If you’ve noticed your mood hasn’t been as vibrant as usual lately, one of the first things to…
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