

Clean Up Your Sleep

Clean Up Your Sleep

16th November 2017
In my latest contribution to Western Sydney Mums' Hub, I talk about sleep issues. Covered in the article is the causes of sleep issues in adults and the impact that…
Knowing your contraception options

Knowing your contraception options

26th September 2017
Happy World Contraception Day everybody! I think that the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) is an amazing invention which has allowed women a great deal of freedom, choice and control over…
Crazy 2 Calm with Melinda King

Crazy 2 Calm with Melinda King

31st July 2015
[fb_button] In this podcast episode I interview Melinda King about her stress management program Crazy 2 Calm, stress management techniques and nutrition for stress.  We also chat about her recent…
Reasons for Fatigue

Reasons for Fatigue

26th June 2015
[fb_button] Health & Wellbeing Podcast #2 This is my second podcast and this time it's all me. Today I'm talking about reasons for fatigue. Energy problems can be caused by a…
Thyroid Health

Thyroid Health

16th June 2015
Health & Wellbeing Podcast #1 I'm excited to share with you my first podcast! In this recording I discuss with fellow Naturopath Lisa Costa-Bir thyroid health. Lisa has personally experienced both…
Eat Yourself Happy

Eat Yourself Happy

2nd June 2015
[fb_button] In the Media: Published in Australian Natural Health: Eat Yourself Happy If you’ve noticed your mood hasn’t been as vibrant as usual lately, one of the first things to…
MTHFR and your Mood

MTHFR and your Mood

17th July 2014
Perhaps you’ve heard about one of the latest health buzzes when it comes to mental health – a cheeky enzyme known as MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). If you have a mutation…
A Gut Feeling

A Gut Feeling

4th July 2014
When your gut controls your mood: the gut-brain axis From as early as the 1930's, scientists were beginning to understand that the health of our digestive system could influence our…
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