

Vitamin B12 in Vegan/Vegetarian diets

Vitamin B12 in Vegan/Vegetarian diets

12th March 2015
[fb_button] Guest Post by Katarina Mitrovic Being vegan or vegetarian is usually considered as a healthy lifestyle. And why shouldn’t it? Avoiding meat and dairy, food groups which are increasingly…


27th March 2013
Salt (sodium chloride) is a staple of every household, having been used by many cultures to flavor food for thousands of years. We have always valued salt highly, so much…
The truth about fats

The truth about fats

15th March 2013
It is easy to get confused about fats. There are good fats and bad fats and fat free products and low fat diets. People tend to be cautious about fats.…
Hearty Facts

Hearty Facts

16th October 2012
If you are healthy, your heart and blood vessels work together in a balanced manner to deliver blood to every tissue and organ in your body – keeping you alive…
Children’s Health – Immunity

Children’s Health – Immunity

13th September 2012
One simple fact is for certain; kids do have special health requirements. Children are not simply smaller versions of adults. Have you noticed that kids suffer different health problems to…
Organic Food

Organic Food

15th July 2012
Organic food is increasing in popularity, but it’s not just because it’s a fad.  It because consumers are becoming more savvy and want to look after themselves, and our planet. …


9th July 2012
The Body’s Demand for Magnesium Magnesium is an essential mineral used in over 300 biochemical processes in your body. Magnesium can improve your vitality and wellbeing, help you function well…
Veggie Packed Pizza

Veggie Packed Pizza

9th July 2012
Pizza is super easy and fun to make and is a great way to get the kids to eat lots of veggies.  This pizza is high in fibre , vitamins and minerals…
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